


入国手続Immigration Procedures



1. 日本で働く・教育を受ける・家族として生活する等の目的で来日する場合



  1. 法務省出入国在留管理庁に在留資格認定証明書交付申請をし、同証明書の交付を受ける。
  2. 同証明書を来日希望外国人に送る。
  3. 外国人はパスポート、写真と同証明書を持って現地日本大使館・領事館に行き、ビザ申請をする。
  4. ビザを取得したら、在留資格認定証明書を持って来日する。
  5. 在留カードには日本で行うことができる活動と、日本に在留できる期間が印字されている。
  6. なお外国人の在留は、申請すれば認められるというものではなく、法律の要件を満たさないと受入れられません。

2. 業務出張、親族訪問、観光等のために訪日する場合(臨時的に短期間滞在する目的で来日する場合)


  1. 日本にいる(在る)招聘者が招聘理由書、身元保証書、滞在予定表その他の必要書類を作成し、来日を希望する外国人に送る。
  2. 外国人はパスポート、写真と上記の書類を持って現地日本大使館・領事館に行く。
  3. ビザを取得したら来日する。
  4. なお日本国と査証免除協定を結んでいる国(欧米諸国等64カ国)の国民が業務出張、親族訪問、観光等のために訪日する場合には、ビザを取る必要はありません。


Visa and Immigration Procedures of Japan

Visa and immigration procedures for foreigners entering to Japan are classified to the followings:

  1. Procedures for foreigners entering to Japan to work, study, live as family members, etc.
  2. Procedures for foreigners visiting Japan to attend business meeting, to visit relatives, to do sightseeing, etc.

1. Procedures to enter Japan to work, study, live as family members, etc.

Foreigners are required to make procedures in the steps as follows:

  1. Firstly, file to immigration office of the Ministry of Justice of Japan an application for Certificate of Eligibility and obtain it.
  2. Secondary, send the certificate to the foreigner planning to enter to Japan
  3. Thirdly, the foreigner visits a Japanese Embassy with his/her passport, photograph and the certificate. Enters a visa application form and applies for visa by presenting the certificate. He/she must be returned the certificate when the application is filed and keep it with him/her until he/she comes to Japan.
  4. Fourthly, when obtained visa, comes to Japan with his/her passport and the certificate. At the port of entry, submits immigration inspector the materials. The officer takes the certificate and pastes on the passport a small seal of "Landing Permission" and gives him/her a resident card.
  5. On the resident card the activity permitted to him/her, the period permitted to stay in Japan etc. are entered. For example, "Engineer, 5 Years" is a permission to work in Japan for five years as an Engineer, "Dependent, 1 Year", permission of one year to stay as a dependent. The foreigner who is given the card must bear it at all time while he/she stays in Japan.
    Resident card is not given to foreigners who are granted period of stay of 3 months or shorter. The activity and period of stay permitted to them are Indicated on the landing permission pasted to their passport(a blue seal of 4cm square).

2. Procedures to visit Japan as tourists to attend business meeting, to visit relatives, etc.

Foreigners are required to make procedures in the steps as follows:

  1. Firstly, the sponsor/sponsoring company in Japan prepares an Invitation Letter, a Guarantee Letter, Schedule, etc. and sent them to the foreigner who wishes to visit Japan.
  2. Secondary, the foreigner visits a Japanese Embassy with his/her passport, photograph and the above materials.
    Fill up an visa application form and applies for "Temporary Visitor’s Visa".
  3. Thirdly, when obtained visa, comes to Japan. At the port of entry, immigration inspector pastes on the passport a small seal of "Landing Permission".
    On the Landing Permission (a blue colored seal of 4cm square), the activity permitted to him/her and the period permitted to stay in Japan is printed.
  4. Foreigners of the countries of visa waiver (64 countries) are not required to obtain a temporary visitor’s visa as above.
    Note:However, they are required to obtain visas when they come to Japan to engage in the activities stated in the paragraph (1) above.
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